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  • Writer's pictureBenay Hicks

Book Harvest Joins Keeping Children Safe Network!

Book Harvest is committed to keeping children safe from abuse through awareness raising, prevention, responding and reporting. Book Harvest believes that every child has the right to respect and protection, regardless of gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and whether or not they have a disability.


Accordingly, this year, after an extensive series of meetings among Book Harvest’s board and staff, we were proud and delighted to adopt a Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct for our organization. We developed this policy with significant support and guidance from the London-based organization Keeping Children Safe (KCS).

KCS conducted a thorough review of our Child Safeguarding Policy to ensure that it meets their high standards. This week, KCS announced that Book Harvest has been accepted into the KCS network as an associate member. This wonderful news was announced on their website:

We are grateful to be included in this worldwide community of activists committed to safeguarding all children.


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About Us

Since 2011, Book Harvest has provided over 2.3 million books to families, ensuring that parents have the tools and power to ignite and strengthen their children's literacy. With programs that are grounded in evidence, Book Harvest believes that literacy starts at birth, in the home, powered by parents, and nourished with books.

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(252) 497-BOOK
2501 University Drive, Durham, NC 27707

Monday through Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Book Harvest's 2022 IRS 990 is available here.

Book Harvest's most recent audit is here.

©2024 by Book Harvest NC.

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