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  • Writer's pictureBenay Hicks

Healthy Relationships and a Virtual Book Festival

For ages 0-5:

Healthy Relationships Initiative: A great resource for parents and caregivers who want to be proactive in maintaining healthy and positive relationships all members of their family. // Un gran recurso para los padres y cuidadores que desean ser proactivos en el mantenimiento de relaciones saludables y positivas con todos los miembros de su familia.

Recommended for all parents and caregivers  // Recomendado para todos los padres y cuidadores

Wilma says:

This can be a challenging time for everyone in the family. Home situations are quickly changing and it may be stressing our relationships in new ways. The Healthy Relationships Initiative provides an on demand webinar to help us maintain healthy and positive relationships with each other and our children through proven strategies.

Este puede ser un momento difícil para todos en la familia. Las situaciones en el hogar están cambiando rápidamente y esto puede estresar nuestras relaciones de nuevas maneras. La Iniciativa de Relaciones Saludables proporciona un seminario web gratuito para ayudarnos a mantener relaciones saludables y positivas entre nosotros y nuestros hijos a través de estrategias comprobadas.


For ages 5-10:

Everywhere Book Fest: A virtual gathering of kidlit authors, books, and readers that will bring the book festival experience to everyone (May 1 and 2) // Una reunión virtual de autores de lectura infantil y lectores que traerá la experiencia del festival del libro a todos (1 y 2 de mayo)

Recommended for kids ages 5-18 // Recomendado para niños de 5 a 18 años

Amy says:

There is something here for everyone. Choose the panels you want to view or participate to meet some of your favorite authors, witness an illustrator Doodle Duel, go on a virtual Korean vacation, and more!

Hay algo aqui para todos. ¡Elija los paneles que desea ver o participe para conocer a algunos de sus autores favoritos, sea testigo de un “Doodle Duel” entre ilustradores, vaya de vacaciones virtuales a Corea y mucho más!


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Since 2011, Book Harvest has provided over 2.3 million books to families, ensuring that parents have the tools and power to ignite and strengthen their children's literacy. With programs that are grounded in evidence, Book Harvest believes that literacy starts at birth, in the home, powered by parents, and nourished with books.

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(252) 497-BOOK
2501 University Drive, Durham, NC 27707

Monday through Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

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