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Learning with food

Benay Hicks

For ages 0-5:

Foublie: Free food activities (recipes) for you and your toddler to enjoy // Actividades y recetas gratuitas para la famila entera

Recommended for children ages 2 to 4  // Recomendado para niños de 2 a 4 años

Wilma says:

Want to introduce your toddler to the world of cooking? Start here! With very simple recipes and food activities designed to be fun and engaging for your youngest cooks.

¿Quieres presentar a tu pequeño al mundo de la cocina? ¡Empieza aqui! Con estas recetas muy simples y actividades de comida diseñadas para ser divertidas y atractivas para los cocineros más jóvenes.


For ages 5-10:

Spatulatta: Kids teach kids how to cook with video demos and step-by-step recipes // Niños enseñandoles a otros niños a cocinar con demostraciones en video y recetas fáciles

Recommended for kids ages 6-12 // Recomendado para niños de 6 a 12 años

Amy says:

With recipe names like Weiner Weenie Dogs and James and the Giant Peach Sorbet, who wouldn’t want to break out the blender and mixing bowls? This is great for all of the budding chefs out there who will be inspired by seeing kids like them whipping up yumminess in the kitchen. Look out Master Chef Junior!

Recetas creativas para los niños. Esto es genial para el pequeño chef en tu casa- que se inspirara al ver a niños como él preparando comida deliciosa en la cocina. ¡Aqui viene el proximo Master Chef Junior!


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Since 2011, Book Harvest has provided more than 2.4 million books to families, ensuring that parents have the tools and power to ignite and strengthen their children's literacy. With programs that are grounded in evidence, Book Harvest believes that literacy starts at birth, in the home, powered by parents, and nourished with books.

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