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Benay Hicks

Lights, Camera, Action, and Donation!

Duke School, an independent project-based school located in Durham, is a strong champion of Book Harvest’s mission. The teachers, families, and students believe in the importance of books and literacy and often help Book Harvest provide books to the community.

This spring, Duke School’s second graders linked their love of Book Harvest to their Theater Business Project. For their project, the students learned about the behind-the-scenes work of a theatrical production, and then developed performances of their favorite folk tales. They created various theater companies — complete with branding! — designed sets, created costumes, sold tickets and food, and performed their shows.

Not only did they learn the ins-and-outs of business, theater, and branding, they donated their ticket sales (over $800!!!) to Book Harvest!

The students presented their project and earnings to Book Harvest live on Zoom in June, complete with pre-written statements about what they did and learned throughout the experience. The class then asked questions about Book Harvest…great questions including: “My mom donates books to Book Harvest but I didn’t realize you also purchased new books. Why?” For those who are curious, the answer is that our Book Babies families receive new books during the five-year program, and it’s also nice to occasionally diversify the books we provide to the community by deliberately purchasing high-interest, culturally-inclusive books.

We are so grateful for the generosity of these little scholars, for the encouragement of their teachers, and for the constant support! Please enjoy these images from their project, as well as a screen shot from the presentation of their donation!

Acting on Zoom!

Second graders presented their donation to Book Harvest.

These photos were used with permission by Duke School. Credit goes to Sarah Dwyer.

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