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Vanessa Collier-Robinson

Book Babies Manager
Start Date: January 2023

Vanessa leads the literacy coaches of our Book Babies program in conducting quality home visits and supports program evaluation through the analysis of data. She ensures that coaches have information, tools, and training for optimal implementation of all aspects of the home visiting curriculum, and works directly with a number of families.

As an elementary school educator in Washington, DC and in Durham and as a licensed clinician, Vanessa brings valuable coaching experience, strategic thinking skills, and a vital lens into the essential attachment and connection that builds trusting relationships between children and families – and the professionals with whom they partner.

Vanessa has a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Masters Degree in Teaching from American University. She completed her undergraduate work at UNC Chapel Hill with a double major in Psychology and Romance Languages, with a focus on Spanish.
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About Us

Since 2011, Book Harvest has provided over 2.3 million books to families, ensuring that parents have the tools and power to ignite and strengthen their children's literacy. With programs that are grounded in evidence, Book Harvest believes that literacy starts at birth, in the home, powered by parents, and nourished with books.

Connect With Us

(252) 497-BOOK
2501 University Drive, Durham, NC 27707

Monday through Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Book Harvest's 2022 IRS 990 is available here.

Book Harvest's most recent audit is here.

©2024 by Book Harvest NC.

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